On Friday, June 8th, patrons of The John Wornall House gathered in the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shelhorn of Mission Hills, Kansas. The party was the kick off to the John Wornall House Museum Garden Tour of 2012.
In case you are not familiar with the John Wornall House Museum this was the home of Kentuckian John Bristow Wornall. In 1858 John B. Wornall built this elegant home in the Greek Revival style. Accurately restored to the period, its interior spaces and authentic furnishings demonstrate why the house was called “the most pretentious house” in the section. Now engulfed by Kansas City’s Brookside neighborhood, the John Wornall House originally sat on the Missouri frontier.
This year the John Wornall House Museum Garden Tour offers viewers a chance to visit 5 spectacular gardens. All gardens are located within a short driving distance of each other. http://wornallhouse.org/visit/
Last night I was privileged to be a part of history by co-chairing the silent auction for the patron’s party along side Joni Siplon. This was the first year that an auction was included. We raised $520.00 with all proceeds going to the John Wornall House. The guests were treated to a reception that included their choice of selected beers and wines. Along with a buffet style serving of grilled salmon with a lemon basil glaze. A twice baked potato casserole complemented with sautéd french style green beans. To top off the evening, a dessert bar providing choices of chocolate fudge and red velvet petit fours along with macaroon cookies.
If your summer plans call for a gala garden party, contact Millie’s Event Designs to bring it spectacularly into bloom!